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Komunikasi Audio
Komunikasi Audio adalah komunikasi yang dilakukan secara verbal atau lisan. Pesan atau informasi yang disampaikan berupa gelombang bunyi.
Proses penyampaian pesan atau informasi dari sumber kepada penerima dilakukan dengan cara memperdengarkan isi pesan atau informasi melalui media yang menunjangnya. 
Contoh media yang menunjang komunikasi Audio adalah Radio, Telepon Rumah atau Telepon Seluler.
Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, Telepon seluler tidak hanya menyampaikan pesan audio, tetapi sekaligus pesan secara video. 

Komunikasi Video 
Komunikasi video adalah suatu alat komunikasi yang dapat ditangkap melalui visual atau penglihatan. Pesan bisa berupa gambar atau film.
komunikasi memungkinkan semua orang untuk bertemu pada saat yang sama tidak peduli zona waktu, komunikasi video memungkinkan anda untuk melakukan sesuatu tanpa harus bertemu dengan si received atau si penerima, anda bisa mengirim dan menyampaikan sebuah informasi kepada siapa pun dengan cepat, contoh : seperti televisi/TV, misalkan ada sebuah acara berita atau NEWS, yang menyampaikan hasil informasi yang mereka dapatkan, dan dapat di beritahukan kepada siapapun secara visual atau video, dengan menggunakan media komunikasi video. contoh gambar

Komunikasi Video Audio
Media berarti wadah atau sarana. Dalam bidang komunikasi, istilah media yang sering kita sebut sebenarnya adalah penyebutan singkat dari media komunikasi. Media komunikasi sangat berperan dalam mempengaruhi perubahan masyarakat. Televisi dan radio adalah contoh media yang paling sukses menjadi pendorong perubahan. Audio-visual juga dapat menjadi media komunikasi. 
Penyebutan audio-visual sebenarnya mengacu pada indra yang menjadi sasaran dari media tersebut. Media audio-visual mengandalkan pendengaran dan penglihatan dari khalayak sasaran (penonton). Produk audio-visual dapat menjadi media dokumentasi dan dapat juga menjadi media komunikasi. 
Sebagai media dokumentasi tujuan yang lebih utama adalah mendapatkan fakta dari suatu peristiwa. Sedangkan sebagai media komunikasi, sebuah produk audio-visual melibatkan lebih banyak elemen media dan lebih membutuhkan perencanaan agar dapat mengkomunikasikan sesuatu. 
Film cerita, iklan, media pembelajaran adalah contoh media audio-visual yang lebih menonjolkan fungsi komunikasi. media dokumentasi sering menjadi salah satu elemen dari media komunikasi. Karena melibatkan banyak elemen media, maka produk audio-visual yang diperuntukkan sebagai media komunikasi kini sering disebut sebagai multimedia. 
Komunikasi audio video atau Komunikasi audio-visual adalah suatu alat komunikasi yg dapat ditangkap melalui pendengaran dan penglihatan( Visual ).

Komunikasi Data
Komunikasi data adalah proses pengiriman informasi diantara dua titik menggunakan kode biner melewati saluran transmisi dan peralatan switching dapat terjadi antara komputer dengan komputer, komputer dengan terminal atau komputer dengan peralatan. Komunikasi data merupakan gabungan dari teknik telekomunikasi dengan teknik pengolahan data. 

Secara umum ada dua jenis komunikasi data, yaitu:
· Melalui Infrastruktur Terestrial 
Menggunakan media kabel dan nirkabel sebagai aksesnya. Membutuhkan biaya yang tinggi untuk membangun infrastruktur jenis ini. Beberapa layanan yang termasuk teresterial antara lain: Sambungan Data Langsung (SDL), Frame Relay, VPN MultiService dan Sambungan Komunikasi Data Paket (SKDP). 
· Melalui Satelit 
Menggunakan satelit sebagai aksesnya. Biasanya wilayah yang dicakup akses satelit lebih luas dan mampu menjangkau lokasi yang tidak memungkinkan dibangunnya infrastruktur terestrial namun membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk berlangsungnya proses komunikasi. Kelemahan lain dari komunikasi via satelit adalah adanya gangguan yang disebabkan oleh radiasi gelombang matahari (Sun Outage) dan yang paling parah terjadi setiap 11 tahun sekali.

What are VBA’s data types ?

When I talk about data type, I’m referring to the manner in which a program stores data in memory — for example, as integers, real numbers, or strings. 
Although VBA can take care of these details automatically, it does so at a cost. (There’s no free lunch.) Letting VBA handle your data typing results in slower execution and inefficient memory use. 
For small applications, this usually doesn’t present much of a problem. But for large or complex applications, which may be slow or need to conserve every last byte of memory, you need to be on familiar terms with data types. 
VBA automatically handles all the data details, which makes life easier for programmers. Not all programming languages provide this luxury. 
For example, some languages are strictly typed, which means the programmer must explicitly define the data type for every variable used.
VBA does not require that you declare the variables that you use, but it’s definitely a good practice. You’ll see why later in this chapter.
VBA has a variety of built-in data types. Table 7-1 lists the most common types of data that VBA can handle.

Table 7-1 VBA’s Built-In Data Types
Data Type Bytes UsedRange of Values
Boolean 2True or False
Integer 2–32,768 to 32,767
Long 4–2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Single 4–3.402823E38 to 1.401298E45
Double (negative) 8–1.79769313486232E308 to –4.94065645841247E-324
Double (positive) 84.94065645841247E–324 to 1.79769313486232E308
Currency 8–922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807
Date 81/1/100 to 12/31/9999
String 1per char Varies
Object 4Any defined object
Variant VariesAny data type
User defined VariesVaries

In general, choose the data type that uses the smallest number of bytes but can still handle all the data you want to store in the variable.
Loop counters are often declared as integers. If you use the counter in order to loop through rows in the worksheet, your program might just error out! Why? Integers cannot be larger than 32,767. 
Beginning with Excel 2007, worksheets have many more rows (1,048,576 to be exact). Instead, declare such loop counters as Long.

Pengantar Bahasa Pemrograman

1. Klasifikasi Software
Sistem komputer memiliki 3 elemen penting, yaitu : Hardware, Software dan Brainware. Software menjadi penghubung komunikasi antara Brainware dan Hardware.Software secara umum, terbagi menjadi tiga yaitu : Bahasa Pemrograman, Sistem Operasi dan Program Aplikasi.
Bahasa Pemrograman adalah sebuah software yang digunakan untuk membuat Sistem Operasi dan Program Aplikasi. Sistem Operasi adalah sebuah software yang digunakan untuk mengkomunikasikan antara Brainware dan Hardware. Program Aplikasi adalah Software yang dibuat untuk kebutuhan tertentu, misalnya : Microsoft Excel adalah software untuk khusus menangani masalah spreadsheet.
Berdasarkan fasilitas grafis yang dimilikinya, Bahasa pemrograman dapat dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu : Bahasa Pemrograman Berbasis Text dan Bahasa Pemrograman Berbasis GUI. Bahasa Pemrograman Berbasis Text belum memiliki fasilitas grafis misalnya Basic, Turbo Basic, Pascal, Turbo Pascal, C++ dan Turbo C++, sedangkan Bahasa Pemrograman Berbasis GUI sudah memiliki fasilitas grafis misalnya : Visual Basic, Delphi dan Visual C++

2. Level Bahasa Pemrograman

Bahasa mesin (machine language) berupa microinstruction atau hardware. Programnya sangat panjang dan sulit dipahami oleh Brainware dan sangat tergantung pada arsitektur mesin. Keunggulannya adalah prosesnya sangat cepat dan tidak perlu interpreter atau penterjemah. 

Bahasa tingkat rendah (low level language) berupa macroinstruction (assembly). Seperti halnya bahasa mesin, bahasa tingkat rendah tergantung pada arsitektur mesin. Programnya panjang dan sulit dipahami walaupun prosesnya cepat. Jenis bahasa tingkat ini perlu penterjemah berupa assembler. 
Bahasa tingkat tinggi (high level language) menyerupai struktur bahasa manusia sehingga mudah dipahami. Bahasa ini tidak tergantung pada arsitektur mesin tetapi memerlukan penterjemah berupa compiler atau interpreter.
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How to Extract First, Middle and Last Name from One Cell Into Separate Cells In Excel

In this article we will show you how to extract First, Middle & Last Name from a given text string using multiple methods in Microsoft Excel.
Many a times you face a situation where in you are given a name list containing full names and you need to separate them on the basis of first, middle and last name and then return the result into different cells. This is a very common problem for any excel user, and you too must have come across it.
This is a very common distress for a lot of Excel users but there is no specific in-built function in Excel that can extract first name, middle initial and last name from a cell that contains a complete name.
But, there are multiple methods in Excel that can help you in doing the same. And, that’s what this article lesson is about.
Today, we will show you two different methods that can be used for splitting names into different cells.
The most common way in which Excel stores name is by taking the first name first, space then middle initial (if any) followed by space and then the last name. Sometimes, instead of spaces, comma is used for separations.
Moving on to the first example, as you can see there are a few names in “column A” that we want to extract and return in column B, C and, D as first name, middle initial and last name respectively.

Example 1
Note: Random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns.
Note that random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns.

Here, we will use the “Text to Column” feature which is used to separate simple cell content as first name and last name into separate columns. This feature is located under “Data” tab in “Data Tools” category. And, you can also use the keyboard shortcut “ALT + D + E” (Learn more Keyboard Shortcuts) to access the “Text to Column” wizard.

Select the range from A9 to A17 and then press “ALT + D + E”.

Note that random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns.

And, now we need to follow 3 easy steps, and as you can see on top of the wizard box, we are at the first step. 
Select “Delimited” 
Click on “Next” 

In the first step, we need to tell Excel that how our data is stored and formatted in the Excel file.

Now, we are in 2nd step of this wizard, and as you can see below, here we need to set the delimiters which our data contains.
Note that random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns.

Here you can see few “Delimiters” checkboxes; so, either you can select these check boxes or can mention the delimiter in “Other” checkbox. If your data contain some other delimiters which are not listed here. You can select one or multiple delimiters if there are more than one delimiter in your data.

Note that random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns.

Check “Space” delimiter
Then click on “Next”
    Note that random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns.
    Moving on to the last step of the “Text to column” wizard. 
    Select “General” in column data format
    Select B9 as “Destination” and lock it
    Click on “Finish”
      Note that random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns.

      Note that if you do not specify a new destination cell reference, the extracted columns will replace the original data.

      Now you can see that the names in “column A” have been extracted in multiple columns. But, if you look closely you will notice that in the 11th row, “Steve Smith” does not have a middle initial and his last name is moved to the middle name column.

      Note that random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns.

      That’s because, “Text to column” is only used to separate simple content into different cells basis on their delimiters. And, as there is only a single space in his name, it got split only in next 2 cells. This is the only drawback this feature has.

      Example 2
      Note: In the second example, we have taken “Mayor Tom C Bradley as the full name in cell H9, just to show users that when there are more than 1 initials in the middle name, the function will extract both of them.

      Now, we move on to the 2nd example, where we will use multiple functions together to get what we are looking for. This is the advanced technique of extracting “First”, “Middle” and, “Last Name” into different columns. And, to do the same, we have taken similar data in column H and, we are going to have names separated in three parts as First, Middle & Last name in column I, J and, K respectively. B
      Note that random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns.

      This is the best solution to consider when you want to split names into “First”, “Middle” and, “Last” but do not want to repeat the previous method every time you do that. You can put the formulas in the cells and the moment reference cell will be updated, names will be extracted automatically in specific columns where you have entered the formulas.

      To extract First Name 
      Select cell I9 
      Enter following formula without quotation “=LEFT(H9,SEARCH(” “,H9)-1)” 
      Hit Enter
        Note that random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns.

        And as you can see, the function has extracted the first name from H9 and returned it in cell I9 with “Mayor”. As you know, LEFT function is used to extract leftmost character and SEARCH function returns the position of the specific character it finds first in the string. So, here SEARCH function found the space first at 6th position in the string and to exclude space, we supplied negative value which helped LEFT to pick up only 5 characters.

        To extract Last Name 
        Select K9 cell 
        Enter following formula with double quotes “=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(H9,” “,REPT(” “,255)),255))” 
        Hit Enter
          Note that random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns.

          To extract the last name, we have nested REPT, and SUBSTITUTE function inside RIGHT function. Then at last, we nested all conditions into TRIM to remove all unwanted spaces. Let’s see how all these statements worked together to return the last name.

          REPT is nested inside SUBSTITUTE which repeated single space 255 times, and then SUBSTITUTE replaced single space with 255 spaces in the supplied string. And now each initial is separated by 255 spaces and then RIGHT function is used to extract topmost 255 characters and then TRIM is used to remove all extra spaces and then return with only last initial of the name.

          To extract Middle Name 
          Now select J9 cell 
          Enter following formula without double quotes “=IF(LEN(H9)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(H9,” “,””))>1,TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(H9,I9,””),K9,””)),””)” 
          Hit Enter
            Note that random sample names are used in this tutorial, just to explain how to extract values and return them in different columns.

            Update: In case you have to separate middle name which is same as the first or last name, use the following formula in column J instead of the formula mentioned above.=TRIM(MID(H9,LEN(I9)+1,LEN(H9)-LEN(I9)-LEN(K9)))
            Extracting middle initial looks quite difficult as we need to make sure that the function evaluates all conditions and extract only middle name from it. For that, we have nested LEN, SUBSTITUTE, TRIM functions inside IF
            In the first argument of IF function, logical test is checking that the length of the string without space when subtracting from the total length of the string is greater than 1 or not. When the result is TRUE, function execute the TRUE condition where SUBSTITUTE is nested inside SUBSTITUTE. Nested SUBSTITUTE is replacing the value of column I with empty text in column H and then the main SUBSTITUTE is replacing column K’s value with empty text and then to remove not required spaces, TRIM is used. And, in case IF condition does not meet the logical test, then the function would return empty text.

            This is how you can use customize functions & simple methods to extract “First Name”, “Middle Initial” & “Last Name” from cell that contains a full name.

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